Superior Energy Rating

Building Energy Rating

Avoiding Mistakes on Your Path to a 6-Star Energy Rating

Have you ever had a sinking feeling upon receiving your energy bill? Having a 6 star energy rating for your house could be the best course of action. Imagine li...
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Why My Energy Bill Is So High? What I Can Do About It?

Energy bills typically increase during the winter. Your electricity usage increases while using water heaters, HVAC systems, and home heating, and this is refle...
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Five Strategies to Lower Your Autumn Energy Costs

It's also a great time to see your energy bills drop as the crisp autumn air settles in and the leaves start their enchanting fall dance. Seasons change our ene...
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A Brighter Future for Your Property's Value with An Energy Efficiency Upgrade

With the growing demand for sustainable living, power efficacy has gotten much attention recently. It is unfortunate that the majority of residences in Australi...
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Is Your Dwelling Prepared for a Novel Energy Era?

As we press forward into the unfurling horizon of time, the imperative to transition towards a more sustainable energy landscape has grown increasingly conspicu...
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Future of Energy Effeciency In Australia

The Future of Energy Efficiency in Australia: What You Need to Know

Energy efficiency has become a key issue in Australia as the country looks towards a more sustainable future. 6 star energy rating house is a target to achieve ...
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All you need to know about the Energy Audit and its Necessity

An energy audit is not a new concept, but most people are reluctant about it because they are not aware of its beneficial sides. Just the way your finances ...
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Minimising Energy Consumption and the Future of Energy Efficient Buildings

As the world turns to the issue of global warming and the dwindling resources available to us, a global strategy to build more energy-efficient homes and start ...
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How Energy Rating Assessment Helps You Meet the Building Energy Codes & Perfect Retail Price?

Whether you want to own a property or sell at the perfect retail price, you need to have a deeper understanding of the eco-friendly, sustainable building. Based...
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How to Build Energy Efficient Homes (& Why)

An energy efficient home is always a valuable investment, both for a smart economical living and year-round savings on utility bills. Whether during the constru...
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Undervalued Factors that can Improve your Home’s Ability to Stay Cool

Struggling with the heat this summer? While the season is coming to an end, NSW and Victoria are still in the midst of a serious heatwave that is breaking tem...
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How Insulation is Used to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

There are numerous different factors that can determine how energy efficient a home is, from the layout and composition of the building and the construction mat...
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Achieving 6 Star Energy Rating for Buildings in Victoria

With a multitude of products and small appliances on the market designed specifically to make your power and water consumption considerably more efficient. We n...
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Build a Sustainable Home that Meets the 6 Star Rating in WA

To truly live in a modern, sustainable world we have to find ways to be more energy-efficient, as well as cut down on waste and loss of energy throughout our li...
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Important Factors That Can Determine Your Home Energy Rating

Over the past few years in Australia, there has been a strong push to improve energy efficiency across commercial industries and in the home as well. Not only d...
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Superior Energy Rating is an Australian Energy Rating Company

Superior Energy Rating is a Victorian based energy rating and consultancy agency who provides 6 star energy rating for your residence and thermal performance ra...
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Featured post

Australia’s Home Energy Efficiency Certifications Explained

Our environment is significantly affected by every new building we construct be they commercial or residential devolvement’s. All our buildings and the energy t...
Recently Published

Smart Holidays: Relax and Save Energy at the Same Time

One of the best ways to unwind and rejuvenate is to take a vacation. Why not use less electricity at home for a few days while you’re away on vacation? Whether ...
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Avoiding Mistakes on Your Path to a 6-Star Energy Rating

Have you ever had a sinking feeling upon receiving your energy bill? Having a 6 star energy rating for your house could be the best course of action. Imagine li...
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Why My Energy Bill Is So High? What I Can Do About It?

Energy bills typically increase during the winter. Your electricity usage increases while using water heaters, HVAC systems, and home heating, and this is refle...
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Five Strategies to Lower Your Autumn Energy Costs

It's also a great time to see your energy bills drop as the crisp autumn air settles in and the leaves start their enchanting fall dance. Seasons change our ene...
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Energy-Efficient Guide to Spread Love This Valentine's Day

As Valentine's Day approaches, love is undoubtedly in the air, but so is energy consumption. The glow of countless fairy lights and the hum of electronic gadget...
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